Hello and welcome,
Teddington Pilates truly is a centre of excellence and is unique.
Located in the heart of Teddington, South West London in an impressive purposely created, fully equipped Pilates studio, offering bespoke individual instruction on specialised Reformer Pilates machines with expert instructors.
We are not only experienced at helping individuals with their sporting and fitness requirements; we are a highly experienced and superbly equipped centre offering clinical and remedial Pilates and exercises, assisting in rehabilitation of minor to major injuries and operations; pre and post natal rehabilitation; and importantly, we help with functional movement.
We help sports people from swimmers to cyclist & rowers to runners develop their potential, helping you with Sport Fitness & general life fitness.
We develop exercises and exercise equipment for astronauts on long duration space missions and have been awarded numerous UK Space Agency's Space Technology Development Grant to prepare HIFIm (High Frequency Impulse for Microgravity) for zero gravity parabolic test flights with the European Astronaut Centre and European Space Agency.
We regularily host MSc and PhD students from St Mary's University, Twickenham; Teddington Pilates Studio is a centre of research for the next generation of exercise equipment for astronauts and parastronauts.
Studio Sterilisation.
Teddington Pilates Studio continues to invest in extraordinary protocols to keep the studio sterile and safe for us all. When closed, the studio is filled with Sterilising Ozone which kills bacteria safely and naturally in the air and on surfaces, scientifically proven the system eliminates harmful viruses and bacteria. The Ozone cycle between is a 7 hour Ozone cycle every night.
In conjunction with the twice daily Ozone sanitisation, we sanitise all the equipment used after every session taken 'Stabilised Aqueous Ozone', which is a very safe and ecofriendly alternative to traditional cleaning chemicals. A solution that is more powerful than bleach. It kills 99.99% of pathogens with a one minute dwell time. This is safe for us, kinder to the Pilates equipment and ecologically better for the environment. This enables Teddington Pilates to vastly reducing our waste and will not release nasty chemicals.
We have been carrying out extensive swab testing and daily Ozone gas monitoring to analyse the efficacy of the stabilised aqueous ozone solution and Ozone generating machine. We very happy and impressed with the results, I know some of you have been interested for your homes and businesses.

Teddington Pilates Studio is truly unique. We research and development exercise countermeaures for bone, muscle and cardiovastular health, in both terresterial and space environments.
We collaborate with St Mary's University, Twickenham; Salford University; UK Space Agency; European Space Agency; European Astonaut Centre; French Space Agency...